
מהיכן הקורבנות, מיקום ידוע אחרון Zolochiv
היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים Zazula
מיקום קבר האחים forest in the village of Zazula
תאריך הרצח
מספר הקורבנות
שמות קורבנות מאוזכרים
העדות המלאה At night, people were herded to the square, large baskets were taken out into which they were ordered to put their jewellery. After that, they were loaded onto trucks and taken to the forest in the village of Zazula. (...) A car with a trailer loaded with Jews was stopped near the forest. Gestapo men were using cat o' nine tails (a whip type) and beating mercilessly, forcing people to strip naked and go toward the forest, where a moat with a board stretched over it had been dug. People stepping on the board were shot in the back of their heads, so that they would fall into the pit. (...) once the moat was full, they would move the board a bit further. After the execution, the pits were filled and the ground was levelled.
מספר העדות 301/5879
מס' העמוד בעדות הארוכה pages 3-4
תאריך העדות October 26 1962 and April 1964
שם העד או העדה Jan Kulpa and Hugon Gutfreund and others
מדינה נוכחית Ukraine