
מהיכן הקורבנות, מיקום ידוע אחרון Krakow
היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים Borek Fałęcki (currently in Krakow)
מיקום קבר האחים Jewish Cemetery?
תאריך הרצח May 2 1943 (probably mixed up the date,
מספר הקורבנות
שמות קורבנות מאוזכרים
העדות המלאה [2 May 1943 - liquidation of the Krakow ghetto, but the author probably mixed up the date] I was going to the cemetery in Borek Fałęcki and I was watching this massive transport of trucks. There could be a hundred of them. They were filled to the brim with exhausted people. Upon leaving the cemetery, I saw a very elegant Jew lying near the cemetery, covered in blood. I could not help him in any way, because a few steps ahead a Gestapo man came from behind the bushes and asked me: "Have you seen the Jew?" "Where is he lying?" "I don't know" - I said and walked away. Finally, I saw the Gestapo man by the cemetery, he reached the Jew and shot him three times. The Jew died immediately.
מספר העדות 301/839
מס' העמוד בעדות הארוכה page 4-5
תאריך העדות Skawina, November 23 1945
שם העד או העדה A Pole suspected of being a Jew, name unknown
מדינה נוכחית Poland