
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Tluste Tluste After the third action, T...
Tluste Tluste [May 1943] The Jews gathe...
Lvov Lyczakowskie Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka Camp [1942] In the meantime, a...
Lvov Lasienice First massacre, which too...
Lvov Lvov [July or August 1942] The...
Dawidgródek Meryńskie Chutory levees Before that the German th...
Lvov Lvov Before that, they were fo...
Radomysl Wolcia Radomyśl was liquidated. ...
Demfeld - near Lvov Demfeld - near Lvov Next action took place on...
Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp On 21st October 1943 an a...
Debica (Jews from Radomysl) Wolica The rest of the women and...
Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp-Lesiennice. The first massacre, which...
Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp Sick people were dragged ...
Lvov Lesien - Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp I saw cars loaded with Je...
Radomysl Wielki Radomysl Wielki On Sunday, 19th July 1942...
Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp an action, which took pla...
Lvov Pisaskowa It happened in the autumn...
Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp Those people that they ma...
Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp Every Monday and Thursday...
Lvov Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp The remaining 280 people ...
Kazimierza Wielka Kazimierza Wielka In the woods of Kazimierz...
Tluste Tluste At the end of 1942, durin...
Tluste Tluste our town became "Judenfre...
Horodok Winniki camp near Lvov [Franz Weiskind] On 7 May...
Lvov Lvov I saw my brother. [...] H...