
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Nowosiółki near Białystok Grabówka On 21 November 1943, over...
Nowosiółki near Białystok Nowosiółki On 15 June 1944 we were t...
Nowosiółki Nowosiółki The place of mass executi...
Bialystok Nowosiołki The place of mass executi...
Bochnia Bochnia Near ghetto A, Germans dr...
Bochnia Baczków [25 August 1942] On that ...
Bochnia (Jews from Krakow and Wisnicz) Bochnia Three Jews were informers...
Bytomsk, Bochnia county In Bytomsk, Bochnia county In Bytomsk, Bochnia count...
Niedery near Bochnia Niedery In early November 1942 th...
Baczki near Bochnia Baczki In Baczków, 3-4 km from B...
Lipnica Murowana, Bochnia county. Lipnica At the end of August 1942...
Vilnius a village near Vilnius - The witness lived in this village The execution took place ...
Krakow Jews in Rabka Ghetto Rabka 22 May 1942 - first actio...
Ryki Deblin They were all herded to t...
Ryki Okrzeja We headed to Żelechów, be...
Stary Las, Nysa county Stary Las Protocol from exhumation ...
Markowice, County of Nysa Borkowice Exhumation report: "The M...
Łączki, Nysa county Łączki, Borkowice? In late January 1945 poli...
Lvov Hycla Gora The vicinity, a so-called...
Lutsk Górka Połonka Early in the morning on 2...
Ryki commune Zalesive Over a dozen of Jews hid ...
Medyka near Przemyśl (Jews from neighbouring villages (now located on the USRR's lands) and those living in Medyka (7 families) Medyka I hereby declare I am awa...
Brest on the Bug Bronna Góra Once Jews were loaded ont...
Brest on the Bug Gierszony At the end of the liquid...
Krakow Borek Fałęcki (currently in Krakow) [2 May 1943 - liquidation...