
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Kołaczyce Kowalowy near Krosno From Jodłowa, where a sma...
Czestechowa? Czarny Las near Czortkow [1941] they began hunting...
Hrubieszów Hrubieszów Until 28 October 1942, th...
Berdechow - Chorzelow Berdechow Villagers from Berdechów ...
Hrubieszow Hrubieszow [1942] On Tuesday, when I...
Hrubieszow Hrubieszow [November 1942] "I learnt...
Lvov Łyczaków Each executions was prece...
Uchanie, Hrubieszów county Uchanie In Uchanie, Hrubieszów co...
Mielec Chorzelow Another 25 people were sh...
Mielec (Jews from the work camp) Chorzelow Another 25 people were s...
Chortkiv Czarny Las (Black Forest) In November [1941] an ord...
Chortkiv Czarny Las Lotne gestapo" (Airforce ...
Złoczów Złoczów In April 1943 Germans mur...
Wola Goryńska, behind Kruszyna, Radom county Wola Goryńska (behind Kruszyna), Radom county In a pine forest (right b...
Kruszyna, Radom county Bierwce Alongside a railway pierc...
Krakow (Jews from Liszki, Czernichów, Krzeszowice, Tenczyn and Nowa Góa) Tyniec First bigger action of "J...
Jezierzany (Jews from Kupiczów, Azrianow and surrounding villages) Sushybaba The Jews from Kupiczów we...
Rozany Rozany The occupation of Różany ...
Bierzanów, Krakow Bierzanów A year later we had our o...
Bierzanów, Krakow Plaszow A year later we had our o...
Nadarzyn Rozalin village In Rozalin village, Młoch...
Rawa Mazowiecka Rawa Mazowiecka Germans took 17 Jews [......
Rzezawa Brzesko Report of the exhumation ...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki (Jews mostly from the ghetto but also including several dozen Jews brought from Rawa Mazowiecka and Biala Rawska) Tomaszow Mazowiecki October 1942: During the ...
Brzesko Rzezawa In the summer, the grave ...