
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Chortkiv Czarny Las (Black Forest) In November [1941] an ord...
Chortkiv Czarny Las Lotne gestapo" (Airforce ...
Ryki Deblin They were all herded to t...
Ryki Okrzeja We headed to Żelechów, be...
Radekhiv Kamianka-Buzka [In Radekhiv] in July and...
Ryki commune Zalesive Over a dozen of Jews hid ...
Sambir Radłowice "In early 1942 (spring) p...
Rabka Zdroj (Jews from Rabka, Sącz, Nowy Targ, Jordanów and others) Tereska Each month between April ...
Stowbtsy or Świerżeń Akińczyce In July 1941 SS men came ...
Krakow Jews in Rabka Ghetto Rabka 22 May 1942 - first actio...
Nowy Sącz Rabka The second action took pl...
Lutsk Górka Połonna Only one action took plac...
Lutsk Górka Połonna There was another camp on...
Rabka Rabka One of the first collecti...
Rabka Morawa Dolna Germans entered the town ...
Rabka Rabka They were taking people f...
Rebka Rebka [May, 1942] Those people ...
Rabka Tereska People were gathered acco...
Lutsk Górka Połonka Early in the morning on 2...
Vilnius between Vilnius and Trakai Continuing our journey wi...
Pustków camp Chujowa Górka Their barracks were separ...
Pustków camp - Jews from Mielec, Ropczyce, Rzeszów, Sędziszów and the vicinity Chujowa Górka Later on, many Jews were ...
Krakow Borek Fałęcki (currently in Krakow) [2 May 1943 - liquidation...
Mielec (Jews from the work camp) Chorzelow Another 25 people were s...
Iziaslav (Jews from "the Aryan side that had hidden) Iziaslav On 3 September [1942] aft...