
Where vicitims are from, last know location Chortkiv
Town/county where mass grave is located Czarny Las (Black Forest)
Mass Grave Location 1941 November
Date of Murder B1Nov-41
Numer of Victims ?
Names of Victims Mentioned 2 were released: Lawyers Ebner and Faldman
Full Testimony In November [1941] an order came to compile a list of the intelligentsia i.e. lawyers, doctors, teachers, pharmacists, etc., and two weeks after that, early in the morning, the Ukrainian militia and Gestapo dragged them all out of their houses (apart from the doctors and pharmacists, who were still needed), they did not even spare the members of Judenrat. They took them all to the prison, held them there for two days, beaten them and took better pieces of their clothing. Two of them were released: lawyers Ebner and Faldman, the rest was transported to Czarny Las (Black Forest) and executed there.
Testimony Number 301/3206
page in longer testimony pages 3-4
Date of Testimony Kraków, 27 March 1947
Name of Witness Rosenzweig Emil
Current Country Ukraine