
Where vicitims are from, last know location Boryslav
Town/county where mass grave is located Boryslav
Mass Grave Location square near the slaughterhouse
Date of Murder February 15, 1943
Numer of Victims 600
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony [February 15, 1943] 600 people were executed in a square near the slaughterhouse in Boryslav. Those were the times of severe frosts. The victims were told to strip naked and stand in rows of 6 on a board over the pit. Then, they were shot with machine guns. Usually only the first two people died of gunshots and those standing behind them were just wounded - some severely, others slightly. Regardless of that, they were all thrown into the open grave. Children were killed with the butts of the rifles or thrown into the grave alive. The grave was not too big, hence the injured and dead were arranged in layers, one right on top of another. Finally, the grave was filled with a thin layer of dirt.
Testimony Number 301/679
page in longer testimony page 3
Date of Testimony Przemysl July 2, 1945
Name of Witness Leon Knebel
Current Country Ukraine