
Where vicitims are from, last know location Gorlice (mostly Jews brought from Bobowa, Biecz, Rzepiennik Strzyżykowski)
Town/county where mass grave is located Strozowka
Mass Grave Location outside the town, behind the Jewish cemetery to the Strozowka village.
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims 510
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony Jews were also brought from nearby villages and towns: Bobowa, Biecz, Rzepiennik Strzyżykowski, where they were later concentrated outside the town, next to the shoe factory at the end of Polna street. Next, all the elderly, disabled and people unable to work as well as the remaining children and elderly women were separated and led outside the town, behind the Jewish cemetery to the Stróżówka village. About 500 persons altogether, all of them were shot there. Ten people from the Kehilla dug the graves and then were killed too.
Testimony Number 301/1113
page in longer testimony pages 5-6
Date of Testimony Krakow
Name of Witness Izrael Buchsbaum, Mojzesz Hirshfeld
Current Country Poland