
Where vicitims are from, last know location Lvov
Town/county where mass grave is located Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp
Mass Grave Location Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims 280+3000 including 400 children
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony The remaining 280 people along with their families and the families of the remaining 100 workers were taken to Piaski and executed there. On the same day, clothes of the executed people were brought in three cars [...] 3,000 people were executed, including 400 children. Mothers themselves undressed their children, who were pushed into one ditch, then a few shots were fired and they were buried alive
Testimony Number 301/1584
page in longer testimony page 3
Date of Testimony Krakow, June 1946
Name of Witness Isak Weiser
Current Country Ukraine