
Where vicitims are from, last know location Rawa Mazowiecka
Town/county where mass grave is located Rawa Mazowiecka
Mass Grave Location Jewish cemetery
Date of Murder October 1942
Numer of Victims 17
Names of Victims Mentioned the witness's brother in law was among them
Full Testimony Germans took 17 Jews [...] among them was my brother-in-law. [...] First five of them were led outside and killed with the use of a machine gun, next another five of them were killed and at the end the last seven. The execution took place on the so-called castle [...] It occurred in October 1942. The bodies were loaded onto a wagon, taken and buried in a Jewish cemetery.
Testimony Number 301/2010
page in longer testimony pages 4-5
Date of Testimony December 6 1946
Name of Witness Dawid Tasma
Current Country Poland