
Where vicitims are from, last know location Teropil
Town/county where mass grave is located Petrykow
Mass Grave Location at first in the Jewish cemetery and then later to the outskirts of Petrykow
Date of Murder January till May 1943 + July 23rd to Aug 6th 1943
Numer of Victims 6000
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony In January 1943 they started liquidating the ghettos; since then, almost every day the Jews were taken from the streets and their homes and put in prison in Ternopil; next, they were taken to the Jewish cemetery and later to the outskirts of Petryków for execution. Between January 1943 and May 1943 about 6,000 Jews were murdered; only the young who were still able to work were later taken to the labour camp in Ternopil. The camp was liquidated and so were the prisoners; Gestapo officers took them to Petryków between 23 July 1943 and 6 August 1943 for execution
Testimony Number 301/2049
page in longer testimony pages 1-2
Date of Testimony Dec 4th 1946
Name of Witness Abraham Ochs
Current Country Ukraine