
Where vicitims are from, last know location Bolekhiv
Town/county where mass grave is located Bolekhiv
Mass Grave Location woods behind the Jewish cemetery
Date of Murder 13 July 1943
Numer of Victims 300
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony On 13 July 1943 the workers of Vereinigte Städtische Industrie, Strassenbau and Wasserwirtschaft, were killed, about 300 people altogether [...] They were taken to the woods behind the Jewish cemetery at 7a.m. The graves had already been prepared. They had to take off their clothes and lay down on the ground, side by side, and, to save some space, the head of one person had to be placed in-between the legs of another. That is how they were placed when the Gestapo shot them using machine guns
Testimony Number 301/2148
page in longer testimony page 8
Date of Testimony Aug 30th 1946
Name of Witness Dora Szuster
Current Country Ukraine