
Where vicitims are from, last know location Ternopil
Town/county where mass grave is located Janówka
Mass Grave Location taken to the woods in Janówka, where they were executed
Date of Murder Easter evening March 1942/3
Numer of Victims 700
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony On Easter Eve, in March 1942/3, Germans ordered Judenrat to give 700 people away [...] They were taken to the synagogue [...] During that transportation the following people were displaced: elderly people from old people's home and from the town, orphans and half-orphans from the orphanage, their parents and people who received benefits from social care in Judenrat. People gathered in the synagogue were loaded onto cars by SS soldiers and, in groups, taken to the woods in Janówka, where they were executed
Testimony Number 301/2155
page in longer testimony page 2
Date of Testimony Nov 19th 1946
Name of Witness Salomon Katz
Current Country Ukriane