
Where vicitims are from, last know location Wlodawa
Town/county where mass grave is located Wlodawa
Mass Grave Location Wlodawa in Jewish cemetrey by Musztry square
Date of Murder December 1939
Numer of Victims 120
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony Great sadness came to our little town after 120 Jewish prisoners from Polish army battalions were murdered in December 1939, in the woods between the railway stations: Bug Włosawski and Sobibór [...] Judenrat bribed the SD and was granted a permission to collect the injured and bury the dead. It took a week to bury those 120 prisoners [...] Their grave is still situated in Włodawa in the Jewish cemetery by the Musztry square
Testimony Number 301/2202
page in longer testimony pages 3-4
Date of Testimony
Name of Witness Motel Rabinowicz
Current Country Poland