
Where vicitims are from, last know location Kolomyia
Town/county where mass grave is located Szeparowce
Mass Grave Location Szeparowce in the woods
Date of Murder startting on Hoshana Rabbah of 1941
Numer of Victims 3800
Names of Victims Mentioned The witness's father, father in law and family members: Gołda and Hercel
Full Testimony My father, father-in-law, Gołda and Hercel of blessed memory were taken from home on Hoshana Rabbah of 1941 [...] they were asked if anyone felt strong enough to walk 6 km. They thought they were taken to work. Many young people volunteered. They were taken to Szeparowce, to the woods, and there executed. The rest of people were left in prison, everyday different persons were taken out and executed. About 3,000 Jews were taken down that time. 270 Jews were taken from that group [...] they were led to the woods in Szeparowce and executed. [...] Four days later an action at Mokra street was organised. About 800 people were taken: elderly and children, and driven to Szeparowce for execution."
Testimony Number 301/2463
page in longer testimony page 1-2
Date of Testimony B1Oct-46
Name of Witness Dawid Likwornik
Current Country Ukraine