
Where vicitims are from, last know location Buchach
Town/county where mass grave is located Buchach
Mass Grave Location outside the city on a hill called Chołodna Góra
Date of Murder 1943 November
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony [1943] I survived all actions in Buchach. After each one, Germans would execute Jews outside the city on a hill called Chołodna Góra [...] Jews, naked and in groups of 10-15, were herded towards the ditch. Right next to the ditch a drunk Gestapo soldier was sitting on a chair and was firing shots from a machine gun. Alive, wounded and dead people were falling into the grave. [...] At night, some of those who fell into the ditch alive, managed to escape from under the corpses
Testimony Number 301/2468
page in longer testimony page 3
Date of Testimony January 25 1947
Name of Witness Munio Lagsztajn
Current Country Ukraine