
Where vicitims are from, last know location Borshchiv
Town/county where mass grave is located Borshchiv
Mass Grave Location the Jewish cemetery
Date of Murder twice during the winter, one Easter and one Shavuot
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony After the action, they gather Jews from all counties to Borshchiv. In the winter 2 actions took place. During Easter another one, on Shavuot. Jews were not taken anywhere anymore but executed in the cemetery [...] Actions lasted for 2-3 days; people were kept in the park where larger groups were created and in fours they were led to the cemetery. There, vast ditches were prepared with a board stretched over them; people were ordered to undress themselves, those who refused were beaten harshly; later 6-7 people had to walk across the board; Germans or Ukrainians (mainly) fired a series of shots and people fell straight into the grave.
Testimony Number 301/2522
page in longer testimony page 4
Date of Testimony Wrocław, 28 July 1947
Name of Witness Mehr Lusia
Current Country Ukraine