
Where vicitims are from, last know location Yarychiv
Town/county where mass grave is located Yarychiv
Mass Grave Location the forest near the tar factory - grave? Bodies exhumed and burned 200 in the Jewish cemetery
Date of Murder January 15 1943
Numer of Victims 2800+2000
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony I have exact data received from a Jew called Chamajdes, who was responsible for cremation of the corpses and who, before Soviets entered, exhumed the bodies and burnt them under the Germans' order, as they wanted to remove all traces. According to him, 2,800 people were buried in the forest near the tar factory, and another 2,000 in the Jewish cemetery [...] Ukrainians .[...] On 15 January 1943 they surrounded the ghetto and the massacre started. Sick people were immediately killed, 2,800 people were taken to the forest and killed with the use of machine guns, the rest was killed in the cemetery.
Testimony Number 301/2615
page in longer testimony page 1-2
Date of Testimony Bytom, May 1947
Name of Witness Josef Morer
Current Country Ukraine