
Where vicitims are from, last know location Buchach
Town/county where mass grave is located Fedor
Mass Grave Location Fedor by the Strypa River
Date of Murder February 4 1943
Numer of Victims 1300
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony In the morning of 4 February 1943, Gestapo, Gendarmes and Ukrainian Police would capture every encountered Jew. They would also take those who were at homes and take them outside the city to the ditches by the Strypa River, in a place called Fedor. There, Jews were told to undress themselves and stand in groups over the ditch to be executed. About 1,300 Jews were killed at that time, men, women, old, young and children.
Testimony Number 301/2653
page in longer testimony page 4
Date of Testimony Opole, 11 July 1947
Name of Witness Jakub Wołkowicz
Current Country Ukraine