
Where vicitims are from, last know location Rabka
Town/county where mass grave is located Rabka
Mass Grave Location courtyard of "Tereska" villa and/or nearby forest
Date of Murder summer 1942
Numer of Victims a few hundred Jews
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony One of the first collective actions took place in the summer of 1942 and included old Jews, handicapped people, Talmudists and young persons unable to work herded from various towns. [...] It happened in the courtyard of "Tereska" villa, where pits were dug in a nearby forest and the victims had to kneel over those graves. They were executed in that position and that was how they were buried. The graves (3 huge ones) are still unprotected. A few hundred Jews were killed during this action.
Testimony Number 301/3269
page in longer testimony page 2-3
Date of Testimony Krakow, 30 June 1947
Name of Witness Zak Maria
Current Country Poland