
Where vicitims are from, last know location Sambir
Town/county where mass grave is located Sambir
Mass Grave Location The Jewish cemetery
Date of Murder June 30 1941 (according to the continuaation of the testimony)
Numer of Victims 10 boxes of bodies
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony There were four massive boxes on the side, into which Jews were loading the corpses. [...] A wagon arrived and according to Ukrainians' order me and another 3 Jews were loading the boxes onto it. [...] On the cemetery were Jews also taken from Prison; they were also putting the boxes inside a massive ditch. There were 10 boxes in total.
Testimony Number 301/3773
page in longer testimony page.2
Date of Testimony Gliwice, 16 July 1948
Name of Witness Rieger Herman
Current Country Ukraine