
Where vicitims are from, last know location Szczawnica (with Jews from Kroscienko)
Town/county where mass grave is located Kroscienko
Mass Grave Location The Jewish cemetery in Kroscienko
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned Rywcia Unterberger. Buchman Mojzesz. Form Hirsh. Kaufman from Gdynia. Mangel Michael. Stotter Moritz. Zehngut. Unterberger Szaya a farmerl. Landou Leib. Steiner Natan. Buchsbaum Izak. Ortner Szmerl.
Full Testimony The bodies of victims from Szczawnica were buried with those from Krościenko in a mass grave in a Jewish cemetery in Krościenko. Here are the names of the ones killed in Krościenko: Rywcia Unterberger l.23, Buchman Mojżesz l.50, Form Hirsch l.73, Kaufman from Gdynia, Mangel Michał l.27, Stotter Moritz l.70, Zehngut l.45, Unterberger Szaja a farmerl.47, Landau Lejb l.60, Steiner Natan l.38, Buchsbaum Izak l.34, Ortner Szmerl l.28.
Testimony Number 301/4707
page in longer testimony page 1
Date of Testimony
Name of Witness Suesskind Salomon
Current Country Poland