
Where vicitims are from, last know location Białystok
Town/county where mass grave is located Białystok
Mass Grave Location Behind the back gate of the barrack on the Popielski's grounds - Soviets and Jews in separate mass graves
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony Soviet prisoners were buried in mass graves situated behind the back gate of the barrack. [...] I heard Jews also were killed there, but they lay somewhere else. Jewish graves were hard to find because Germans tried to leave no evidence so they smoothed the ground out and sowed the grass on the graves. These graves are situated in the Popielski's grounds. Today, they are all ploughed and covered with rye.
Testimony Number 301/4791
page in longer testimony page 1
Date of Testimony Białystok, 5 November 1945
Name of Witness Bronisław Matusiak
Current Country Poland