
Where vicitims are from, last know location Wołomin
Town/county where mass grave is located Wołomin
Mass Grave Location The Jewish cemetery?
Date of Murder October 5 1942
Numer of Victims 400+
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony "On the day of ghetto liquidation, 5 October 1942, Nazi perpetrators murdered all the people who showed any resistance and also old, sick and handicapped ones. Only on that day about 400 people died from murderous bullets. [...] On that tragic day and on the following days people were dragged out of their homes, attics, basements and hideouts and taken to Piaski (a current stadium) where the victims dug out pits, and were brutally executed. From a few to a few dozen people were executed."
Testimony Number 301/7041
page in longer testimony page 1
Date of Testimony Wołomin, 4 March 1988
Name of Witness Zbigniew Brzuszczyński
Current Country Poland