
Where vicitims are from, last know location Kołaczyce
Town/county where mass grave is located Kowalowy near Krosno
Mass Grave Location the woods in Kowalowy, near attorney Warchałowski's villa. There, near the road, by a small glade, on a hillside
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims 300
Names of Victims Mentioned x
Full Testimony From Jodłowa, where a small group of Jews was executed, so the grave was small, we were taken to the woods in Kowalowy, near attorney Warchałowski's villa. There, near the road, by a small glade, on a hillside, we dug a grave. In the meantime, Jews from Kołaczyce were gathered, about 300 of them. [...] People brought there were gathered on the glade and then executed individually. 10 people were led toward the grave and told on the way to strip naked. Then, standing over the grave, they were shot one by one in the back of their heads.
Testimony Number 301/7164
page in longer testimony page 4
Date of Testimony Kraków, 6 July 1993
Name of Witness Jan Rączka
Current Country Poland