
Where vicitims are from, last know location Kazimierz Biskupi, Konin County, Wygoda District
Town/county where mass grave is located Kazimierz Biskupi
Mass Grave Location The Woods turn left on the forest road. [...] Two graves were placed across a glade. The one closer to the firebreak was 8 meters long, 6 meters wide and about 2 meters deep. Almost parallel to it, on the other side of the glade, was another grave about 6 meters wide, 15 meters long and 2 meters deep.
Date of Murder 1941
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony [1941] The car drove towards the railway station, onto the road to Golina, then turned by the mill and went towards Kazimierz Biskupi. [...]Past Kazimierz Biskupi, when we entered the woods, the car turned left into a forest road. [...] We were led to a glade. [...] Two graves were placed across it. The one closer to the firebreak was 8 meters long, 6 meters wide and about 2 meters deep. Almost parallel to it, on the other side of the glade, was another grave about 6 meters wide, 15 meters long and 2 meters deep. [...] On the verge of the glade, except for the side where firebreaks crossed, groups of Jews were either sitting or standing. [...] There were women, men, children and mothers holding babies in their arms. I can't really say whether they were only Polish Jews. Later, I was told they came from Zagórów. [...] On the next day we were told to cover the big grave with dirt. [...] We were told to stop [...] In the afternoon, a car arrived there many times; it was somewhat of a big ambulance, dark grey, with back door; corpses of men, women and children were falling out; there were Jews among them. [...] Next, we had to lay the bodies in layers in a small ditch, tightly one by one with heads alternately upright and inverted. [...] When I was there three layers of bodies were put into the grave, and one car was still not loaded.
Testimony Number 301/6187
page in longer testimony pages 1-2 and 4
Date of Testimony September 4 1965
Name of Witness Sękiewicz Stanisław,
Current Country Poland