
Where vicitims are from, last know location Tarnow
Town/county where mass grave is located Tarnow
Mass Grave Location The Jewish cemetery
Date of Murder sometime June 1942
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony [June 1942] I was sitting at home all day and kept hearing gunshots, because my house was near the cemetery. I went to the attic, took out some roof tiles and saw everything that was happening at the cemetery. Much fewer people were killed that day than on the first day of the resettlement. Then, people were led to the Market Square, where those young and strong were selected, given stamps and ordered to stand separately. In the evening, they were taken to the rail station to the wagons. Carriages were collecting bodies from all around the town and those who had stamps were ordered to go back home. At the cemetery people were working all night, because it had been connected to electricity. Vodka, sausages, cigarettes and beer were being delivered from Judenrat to the cemetery throughout the night and the Shupo Police members were eating and drinking while shooting. Judenrat designated some Jews to bury the bodies and those who could not do it any more were executed as well.
Testimony Number 301/818
page in longer testimony page 14-15
Date of Testimony Tarnow May 1945
Name of Witness Izak Izrael
Current Country Poland