
Where vicitims are from, last know location Zasławie near Sanok (Jews frpm Sanok)
Town/county where mass grave is located Zasławie
Mass Grave Location on the premises of the Jewish camp - row of mass graves up to 10 inn each
Date of Murder different times
Numer of Victims 100?
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony In Zasławie, near Sanok, on the premises of the Jewish camp where Jews from Sanok were held and around it, there is a row of mass graves of prisoners (a few or even over 10 people are buried in each one of them) executed at different points of time.
Testimony Number 301/1784
page in longer testimony page 1
Date of Testimony Krakow February 26 1946
Name of Witness Norbert Ramer
Current Country Poland