
Details of the Deceased (Original)

First Name [מלכה]
Father מאיר
Last Name הערשליקוויטץ
Date of Death [י"ז] אב תרצ"ז
Remarks זיהוי לפי תעודת הפטירה, היחידה שתואמת את הפרטים על המצבה - בחלקה 13 בגלל מצב החלקה, שורות שהיו במקור גב לגב ונפרדות אוחדו לשורה אחת

Details of the Deceased (Translation to English)

First Name [Malka]
Father Meir
Last Name Herszlikowicz
Date of Death 25.7.1937
Remarks Identification according to the death certificate, the only one that matches the details of the tombstone - In Area 13, because of the state of the matzeivot, rows that were originally back to back were conflated to one row


Cemetery Częstochowa
Lot No. 13 (Click to explore)
Row No. 6 (Click to explore)
Position in Row 36
Tombstone ID 13636
Other Inscriptions All inscriptions on the same tombstone
ID according to Paszkowski ? I H
ID according to Yaari
More Information Information about searching graves in Częstochowa
Map Częstochowa cemetery map

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