
Exciting days pass over the Gidonim in Czestochowa. Today they began in a tour led by me in the Jewish quarter of Czestochowa or rather what was left of it.

The work in the Cemetery is hard and fatiguing but this is a wonderful group, despite the difficulties, the heat and the mosquitoes they continue consistently, to work in pursuit of the goals they set for themselves.

Today another surprise awaited us.

During the work Saverin Szperling, who born in CZ and lives today in Arizona USA, accompanied by Dr’ Anna Goldman, came to the cemetery. Saverin came, as usual in his visits to Czestochowa, to light a memorial candle on the mass grave in memory of his parents who perished in the Holocaust. Saverin, excitedly told the Gidonim mission that he was born in 1940 and that he was two and a half year old baby, when the Liquidation of the ghetto began.

His parents hid him with Polish friends for two and half years until the war ended in an underground shelter. When the war ended he was five years old. Over the years he learned that he was left with no family except two cousins and without any pictures of his parents for a memory. At the end of his story Dani Kahn said a prayer El Male Rachamim near the mass grave in memory of Saverin’s parents. No eye remained dry, without tears.