
Best Matches Found

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Proszowice Proszowice [March 1943] The Jews wer...
Praszka Praszka Before the harvest, the G...
Drzewica Drzewica Members of Judenrat were ...
Augustów (Jews, Poles and Soviets) Augustów [April 1944] We reached A...
Białystok (Jews, Poles and Soviets) Dzikie On 21 June 1944 we return...
Parczew (Jews from Kalisz, Kielce and Katowice) Juliopol Jews in Parczew found out...
Parczew (Jews from Kalisz, Kielce and Katowice) Juliopol 4 February 1940. Stadtver...
Parczew Parczew In mid-September 1942, th...
Jaworów Kurzawce After 8 days, 13 Jews fro...
Płaszów (Jews from the "gulag" not the ghetto) Płaszów On the railway embankment...
Krakow Płaszów My whole family was selec...
Dynow (Jews from Dynów, Brzozów, Krosno, Jasło, Nowy Sącz and Gorlice) Dynow On Rosh Hashanah a group ...
Płaszów Płaszów Dredger - this word used ...
Suprasl Suprasl 19 August 1941, the woods...
Supraśl Supraśl 19 August 1942 people we...
Płaszów Płaszów In grave 1, 2500 Jews are...
Jaslo, Krosno Brzozów Another time we were take...
Parczew Parczew The chairman of the Jewis...
Krakow Płaszów [14 March 1943] In the me...
Chortkiv Basiówka [25 July 1941] SS and Ukr...
Brzozów near Sanok Brzozów on 10th August 1942 peopl...
Lvov Lyczakowskie Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka Camp [1942] In the meantime, a...
Krakow (Jews from Liszki, Czernichów, Krzeszowice, Tenczyn and Nowa Góa) Tyniec First bigger action of "J...
Rzeszów Głogów Małopolski Glogow Malopolski The older Jews and the si...
Suchedniów Brzeście near Bliżyn The first execution of th...